The Hawaii State Flower

hibiscusThe Hibiscus is the Hawaii state flower. You may have been given one when arriving to the islands. You may have seen women wearing them in their hair or on their lei’s. You may have even seen them in paintings or on clothing or swimwear.

There are a variety of different colors of the Hibiscus but the most common are red and yellow. It was adopted as the flower of Hawaii in 1923 when Hawaii was only a territory of the United States. When Hawaii was accepted into Statehood in 1959, many of its symbols were adopted as well as the territorial flower. Later in 1988, the yellow Hibiscus was elected as the State flower of Hawaii.

The Hibiscus, native to the Hawaiian islands, is a tropical flowering plant that grows as a shrub and can be as tall as 30 feet. The name means “delicate beauty” and is a symbol of old royalty communicating power and respect. Though somewhat rare, the plant can be found growing on most of the Hawaiian islands. It has become popular among gardeners and landscapers and is also a very popular gift throughout the world.